Greenway Global opens up America

13 марта 2022

The company officially opens sales in the United States

Today Greenway Global is the fastest growing network company on a global scale. We expand our geography and declare ourselves to the world.

It's time for a new level — the United States of America!

Today, residents of the United States have the opportunity to get acquainted with the company, business, quality, and affordable eco-products.

We offer six brands there, which are created for those who think about themselves, their family, and the planet.

Green Fiber

The Fibers collection will allow you to quickly and easily put your house and car in order, as well as take care of yourself - pleasantly and efficiently. Green Fiber is an eco-friendly approach to creating a comfortable life.


What is the key to cleaning - comfort, speed, environmental friendliness, or safety? You don't have to choose with AQUAmatic mops. The line includes mops with an ergonomic design. Cleaning will be a pleasure.

French cosmetics Anny Rey

Anny Rey is premium care for the revival of natural female beauty. Each Anny Rey cosmetics product is based on natural active ingredients and targeted solutions for all skin types, using rich and luxurious ingredients.

Nutri DLG Dietary Supplements for beauty and youth

Nutri DLG helps keep your skin healthy and youthful at any age. The range includes products with a specially designed formula to resist the skin aging process.

Norvia Protein Shakes

Norvia Active Performance shakes are protein-rich, comprehensive nutritional formulas designed to help improve the performance of both the brain and the body.

Panasonic Beauty devices

The range of the line includes devices for stimulating the elasticity of the face skin, for general care and cleansing, as well as additional nozzles.

Greenway Global is Ecology x3. Care raised to the third power:

  1. Concern for each person
  2. A respectful and trusting relationship between the Company and its Partners
  3. Careful attitude toward resources and the environment